Prevention of prostatitis in men: basic rules

Any man, whose age not exceeding 30 years, should not ignore the changes in the body in the form of frequent urination, discomfort in the area of the anus. After all, these are signs of prostatitis of the prostate. This is a serious disease. If you do not carry out the proper treatment, it can cause serious complications. Therefore, it is very important to prevention of prostatitis in men.

prevention of prostatitis

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Prevention of prostatitis include proper nutrition. A man has to drink plenty of fluids one day the amount should be approximately 2 L. This will increase the amount of urine that is colour bacteria harmful. One day the man should eat around 3 thousand calories. The body has fats of animal and vegetable origin.

At home to eat these foods to protect yourself from prostatitis:

  1. Beef, chicken, no fat fish dishes.
  2. Eggs. Have a positive impact on the development of the secret.
  3. A variety of dairy products. Can help to restore the intestinal flora, to protect yourself from constipation, which negatively affects the organs pelvic.
  4. Tomatoes. Have of natural antioxidants – lycopene. It is necessary for the health of men.
  5. Cabbage different varieties. She fights inflammation.
  6. Peas, beans.
  7. Marine products. They are able to restore the health of the prostate after swelling.
  8. A variety of nuts.
  9. Honey.

Food can become the most powerful, helping to prevent the disease of the house.

The massage of the prostate is one of the most effective methods of struggle against the stagnation in the pelvic area. With the help of massage is not only the prevention of prostatitis, but and its treatment. To do so, the physician targets the prostate with the index finger, plunging him in the crotch. This will result in the increase of blood circulation, expand blood vessels, strengthen muscles.

After massage more effective medications due to the fact that it is better to penetrate in the tissue. The result was more visible, the procedure should be performed by a professional. During the massage should be in a relaxed state of the muscles of the perineum, which is not possible to do so when the massage of the prostate in the home.

folk remedies

Many men use medications to protect themselves from the prostatitis. This method of prevention of the demand, since it is not necessary to spend forces and time. This uses natural products.

There are some drugs that are most often used for purposes of preventive.

This medication belongs to the group that includes drugs with a regenerative effect, relieves inflammation. Thiotriazolin use to get rid of the symptoms of the disease, prevention of the behaviour.

This medication is a pill that covers the shell. Is able to restore the function of the genital organs, has a positive effect on the erection. Is used, if disturbed urination, as well as for the purposes of preventive.

It is a natural remedy that is produced in the pills. Lead to normal metabolic processes and eliminates inflammation, inflammation of the prostate, eliminate the pain. These drugs are used to protect the body of prostatitis.

The drug protects the body from inflammation, infections. As the previous tools, Cernilton all-natural formulation. For the treatment of prostatitis is used with drugs antibacterial and for the purposes of preventive action that is used as a standalone tool.

Folk remedies for the prevention of prostatitis

Prevention of prostatitis exercise and folk remedies. A variety of recipes can help the man to maintain his health. That help protect the body against the development of prostatitis.

Prevention of folk remedies includes plenty of recipes. Therefore, every man can find a suitable method. Very effective remedy is a decoction made from the shell of the chestnut.

To make this remedy, you need 500 ml of boiling water, add 2 tablespoons of this component in powder form. After the infusion for 24 hours, take 1 teaspoon every day in the morning. The reception ends when the drug is more.

Folk remedies, not only in the prevention but also the treatment of the disease. For many of the recipes that use the pollen of the flowers. To protect the body of prostatitis, it is recommended to eat 1 tablespoon each day of this component during the month. You can't repeat courses. The most important thing to do from a month of rest.

In order to deal with prostatitis, many men are using the decoction of seeds of parsley. Then you will need 2 tablespoons are added to 500 ml of boiling water. All this should be boiled in a small fire, after which the mixture is left for one day, to draw. Daily costs to implement a couple of SIPS on an empty stomach in the morning.

To avoid the disease can help to of exercises in order to the prevention of prostatitis. Daily must be taken to protect the prostate from diseases.

For this you can select appropriate exercises:

  1. You need to squat every day for 7 to 10 times.
  2. You must sit on the ground, bend your knees. Next, you need to try to begin to move through the buttocks. This walk is held for several minutes.
  3. You need to become and start to swing a straight leg. Each member must do 50 times.
  4. It is necessary to tilt the body of 10-20 times in different directions.
  5. The benefits of the exercise "Bicycle". Is carried out during 7-10 minutes.

This kind of exercises for prevention prostatitis easy to perform. It strengthen the muscles, improve the circulation of the blood, which has a positive impact on the health of the prostate. Enough to give every morning a little bit of time for the gym.

So, with the prostate problem faced by many men. This is quite a dangerous disease, which is not so easy to deal with. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the body from diseases through the use of techniques to prevent.