A man with a strong power, always sure of himself, who achieves success, not only in bed but in life. With the right approach to maintain the sexual health to a ripe old age, remaining active in the years 60, 70 and even 80 years.

How to increase the power? Methods of increasing the power very much, but not all are equally effective and safe. Once failed, it is not necessary to insist on the problem, we need to find ways of solution that will make the sexual organ to function steadily and without problems.
Supports and increases the potency of a drug therapy, traditional medicines, special exercises, psychological methods of influence of diet and healthy lifestyle.
The methods and the types of increase the power
The erection is the main symptom of man's ability for sexual activity.
Weak erection or its absence creates a significant psychological distress and emotional, and create complex.
Problem how to increase potency, known for men of all ages, without exception.
With regular sex power stabiliziruemost, the man learns to skillfully manage sexual organ, to control my erection. In the period from 25 to 35 years are more focused on the quantity and the quality of the intimacy with the woman.
Please, note!Age limit 40-45 years is essential in this time many men are losing ground.
Weakening of erection occurs on the background of the overwork, fatigue, stress. Adversely affect the potency of the chronic diseases, disorders of the cardiovascular system.
Common Causes of the deterioration of erectile function is overeating, alcoholism, Smoking, drug addiction, lack of physical activity.
To increase the potency must act globally to restore the mental health and emotional balance, improve health, improve health, get rid of the excess weight. To make the power better help medicines, physiotherapy, other methods of treatment without medication.
Increase the potency of medicines
A healthy vessel is key to the quality of power for men. Full prolonged erection is achieved by means of the flow of blood to the sex organ.
If there is a spasm of the blood vessels, which become clogged cholesteric plaques, and blood badly circulates through the body, the erection worsens or does not happen at all.
There are several groups of drugs designed to increase male potency.

How to increase the sexual power of the man with drugs:
- Inhibitors of phosphodiesterase . The action of these drugs is reflected in the relaxation of blood vessels walls, which greatly accelerates and reinforces the process of filling of the penis.The effect usually lasts for 4-6 hours.
- Donors of oxide of nitrogen. Its mechanism of action is based on the increase of the production of nitric oxide in the body, which has a positive effect on the overall tone of the blood vessels.The substance relaxes smooth muscles, causing the increase of male potency. The cure is a course of 12-14 days 1 tablet.
- Drugs-androgens . Testosterone is a hormone responsible for the physical power and stamina in men. If enough is produced, a decrease in power, the worsening of the erection.Testosterone to restore hormonal balance, are widely used to increase potency in men. Attribute of the medicine from the doctor on the basis of the analysis of blood of the hormones, you can take pills or injections to enter.
- Alpha-blockers adrenergic . Contained in these substances block the receptors adrenergic, which leads to vasodilation and improve erections.Amp erection works in the metabolism of the prostate, normalizes the vascular tone, increases libido in men.
- Synthetic analogues of prostaglandins. It stimulates the muscles of the corpus cavernosum, promoting intensive filling with blood of the genitals. The medication is injected directly into the penis to influence on venous outflow.
- Antispasmodics. Extend the main artery, whereby it is possible to increase the power. Are used simultaneously injected into the tissues of the penis. For long-term treatment does not apply, since they do not have the desired effect.
- Antidepressants. This large group of drugs with different structure and purpose. Side effect when taking antidepressants is to expand an erection 3-4 times. The increase of power can be achieved through the application of various drugs that speed up the circulation of the blood.
- Biologically active additives . The dietary supplements usually are combined the composition, which is based on natural raw materials of vegetable or animal origin.The natural effect of the drug on the body is also complex – rejuvenation, weight loss, improvement of health, the health improvement, increasing the resistance to stress, the acceleration of metabolic processes, cleaning.
Increase potency without drugs
On how to strengthen the power, the people thought for centuries. To increase the sexual power sought by noble men and the common people. Known special recipes and diets that help restore the health of the man. In order to achieve a stable positive effect should be applied regularly carry out preventive measures.
The traditional methods of
Since ancient times people have used medicinal plants to increase the potency. There are only a few plants that are powerful stimulants of the erection in the man. It is better to use separately of one another without mixing.

How to increase male potency herbs and roots:
- Ginseng. Thanks miraculous properties, is called the root of love. Per Cup of boiling water, take 2 tablespoons of dried minced raw materials.Infusion to boil on low heat for an hour, and then leave to cool, strain, add the honey and the cinnamon.Drink drink half a Cup 2 times a day after meals morning and night.
- Thyme (thyme). The plant is used to treat erectile dysfunction, is used with an effect prophylactic.For sexual weakness, it is useful to drink tea with thyme. A Cup requires 1 flat tablespoon of chopped grass dry. Prepare the drink for a few minutes, you can drink 5 cups of thyme tea a day.
- Ivan-tea (fireweed). The plant contains a set of substances biologically active: macro and microelements, essential oils, antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids, flavonoids. It stimulates the production of testosterone, which is supposed to raise the sexual desire. A pinch of dry leaves fireweed pour boiling water, leave for a short time, to drink as tea twice a day.
- Magnolia chinese of the vineyard. Fruits and seeds of schisandra have on the human body for strengthening, rejuvenating and toning effect. The easiest way is to take 5-7 fruits or seeds a day. You can pour nuts with boiling water and drink the infusion immediately before the act of love.
- St. John's wort. Medicinal plants combines well with other cultures, which is often used in the field of training. Make an infusion of St. John's wort for the sustainable development of the erection should be no more than 3 weeks, otherwise, it can produce the opposite effect.
Power and nutrition
There are special foods called aphrodisiacs that boost the sexual power in both sexes. There is even a section of the kitchen dedicated to dishes has on couples erotic effect.
Each country is famous for its products which, in the opinion of the population, they are a symbol of love and passion. In Africa, this is the meat of the snake, to the East – the horn of Rhinoceros in Europe – the mushrooms in the area North – fruits of the forest.
There are more familiar to the people of products, with a stimulating effect. It is spicy herbs, spices, seafood, fruits, onions, garlic, honey, cheeses.
Scientists have demonstrated that sexual activity will be normal, if the body has enough vitamin A, E and group B.
They are responsible for the instinct of reproduction, to contribute to the better transmission of nerve impulses.
Even in ancient times people knew that increases the erection of the mixture of nuts and dried fruits with a taste of honey. For the preparation of excitation of the structure will need 200 grams of raisins, prunes, apricots, figs, 12 pieces of walnut kernels, peanuts and almonds.
All the ingredients are finely chopped, and combine with 3 tablespoons of honey. Walnut-fruit mixture is stored in refrigerator, used every day for 1-2 teaspoons.

The power is reduced in a natural way when a man grows old. Actually prevent impotence is possible, if to keep the health, to carry out a correct way of life.
In recent years the problem of erectile dysfunction is much younger, think about it, the young people of 30 or 35 years.
Any doctor will confirm that this is due to the lack of physical activity and sports, habits, harmful, poor diet, deficiency of vitamins, fatigue, constant stress.
To complete impotence cause serious health problems – diabetes, multiple sclerosis, trauma.
The majority of men are concerned about weak erection, to restore, that may be, conform to the habits of life correct.
How to increase the power:
- Movement. A sedentary life is the first enemy of modern society. Physical inactivity leads to the stagnation that negatively affects the functioning of the male sexual organs. The blood circulating normally in the body, constant moderate physical activity – Jogging, exercises, evening walks, visits to the gym.
- Health. Effect of Smoking and alcohol abuse can be sexual dysfunction, the most dreaded diagnosis for any man. Nicotine promotes the formation of plaques of cholesterol on the walls of the vessel, and in some cases, must seek surgical assistance.
- Food. For proper sperm production of the necessary proteins, amino acids, trace elements. The diet is ideal for sexually active men to become meat, vegetables. Periodically, the diet should include fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes. But all the sweets, fats, fried foods, salty and smoked food from the menu, it is better to remove.
- The mode of the day. Intelligent, alternating work and rest, we can achieve significant improvements health, harder erections. What happens is that after a good rest, he returned to male power and desire.
Special exercises
Exercises to improve erection involves the intimate muscles. For men, the most important of these is the PC muscle passing from the pubic bone to the coccyx. However, it's called muscle power.
She is responsible for the proper functioning of the genitourinary system, the bowel, the control of the erection.
The exercise of the muscles of the intimate area is the prevention of many diseases.
The strong half of humanity is prostatitis, urethritis, BPH, incontinence, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and other.
Training love muscles developed by Dr. Arnold Kegel. The therapeutic effect of the strengthening of muscles PC in to a greater extent due to the elimination of stagnation in the pelvic area.
The result of constant training to strengthen erections, increased sensation during orgasm, extension of the sexual relationship, the normalization of hormonal levels, restore libido.
How to train the muscles of the first steps:
- The experience of a training item, you need to try to stop the process of urinate, and then again to follow it.
- In the future, all the work that will be done in the muscle that enabled the person to stop the stream when urinating.
- If you stop the process failed, so that the muscle is currently weak and soft.

Kegel exercises are completely invisible, you can perform them at any time and in any place. It is convenient, safe and effective!
What you need to do to bring intimate muscles:
- The tension and the relaxation. Training can begin with the simplest: for 3-5 seconds to alternate tension with relaxation. During the day, you have to exercise for 10-20 times. With time, their number will grow to 50.
- Isolated voltage. In order to achieve success in training, must learn to strive at the site of interest in isolation from other organs and muscles. You should start with few repetitions, the gradual increase of the load.
- The extension of the phase voltage. Time of voltage LC-muscle is taken up in 10 seconds, the rest period is at the level of 2-3 seconds. The total number of representatives of the day has to get to 80-100 times.
- You must continue to keep the love muscle in shape, carrying out daily workout.
The increase of the potency of the methods physiotherapeutic
Physical therapy is aimed at strengthen blood vessels and restore normal blood circulation in the lower part of the body. A course of the physiotherapeutic actions will help to eliminate the problems associated with the erection and the ejaculation.
Important! The procedures are assigned to maintain and prolong the results of medical treatment.
What physiotherapy techniques can be used to restore healthy erection:
- electrotherapy;
- magnetotherapy treatment;
- laser therapy;
- ozone therapy;
- pneumomassage.
Psychological leverage
All medicines that act on the patient only with the physiological side, that is to say, when a man wants to engage in a sexual act, but physically I can't do it.
How to increase the power, if not sexual attraction? In this case, we have to use methods of psychological influence.Psychogenic modalities are selected individually, on the basis of the deviations.