Means of increase of power

What does the term "potency" is known to every man. What does it mean to have sex. Good power is the most important and, in fact, the main symbol of the sexual power, the representative of the stronger sex. It is safe to call it one of the most striking indicators of the health of men.

means to increase the power

Power is not a constant. This means that its level is constantly changing depending on a number of different factors. A man can survive as peak of a condition of his life, his opportunities, and downtime.

Reasons that in one way or another affect the "potential" opportunities, can be called a lot. One of them falls and their state of health, and the age and characteristics of the person and the specific circumstances (the date, the feeling of love, a sudden passion, a change in the sexual partner, and a cooling of relations, the oversaturation of sexual acts and more).

It is worth bearing in mind that to judge the potency of men, focusing on their sex life, the wrong method. Very often the man is not able to realize their potential in bed for a number of reasons. Problems of the social plan passivity, isolation, self doubt, this can be attributed to problems with the appearance (often weak), financial insecurity, etc. But all this, in any case, it reduces the natural data men.

The consequences of these "defects" can be diametrically opposed. Prolonged abstinence, often forced, glows the man, forcing him to look actively for a partner and conduct a more vigorous sexual acts — in fact, the transition from a high degree of sexual power. However, if abstinence was too long, the effect on the sexual performance will be negative potency worsen (the principle of the process is similar to muscle atrophy and even in life).

Occasional episodes of poor erection, as a general rule, are a consequence of the temporal life factors of fatigue, lack of desire, bad mood, etc., However, the most serious diseases start with small things, so you need to be alert.

The power can get to a dangerously low level (when a man feels stable difficulties with the performance of his party in sex) for a variety of reasons. Constantly in a state of stress (not to be confused with strong short-term stress that could be a great help in intimate Affairs, think classic sex after the quarrel is worth every quarrel"), a more prolonged state of fatigue, deep psychological problems. Separate (and very basic) group is made up of a variety of diseases of the genitourinary system.

One end of the stage of problems with male sexuality — impotence. This term implies the impossibility of making a man of a sex life full. This is reflected, firstly, in the absence of a real erection in this situation, the man may not have sexual intercourse, you can't satisfy yourself or your partner. Therefore, the impotence is the true impotence.

Of course, this situation raises a logical question — what to do with this "gift" of fate? Answers to many representatives of a strong half of humanity, unfortunately, is not too farsighted. The vast majority actually waiting for the sea, the weather, completely ignoring the problems with potency, while they do not generate severe discomfort. Unfortunately, the stereotype that real men because of sores every doctor does not run plays with these same "real men" a bad joke.

Additional problems creates the public opinion, forming several contemptuous and attitude derogatory towards men that suffer from sexual impotence (another reason to bypass the problem), and a simple lack of willingness to show their weaknesses anyone was also present.

In the end, running for the sad situation of the disease, with emotions, problems in his personal life and disappointment in myself.

Means to increase the power — which one to choose?

how to increase the power

The main audience of the disease men 40 years and more. The greater the age, greater is the risk of causing impotence, and more attention must be paid to this problem. However, among the young men is bad luck: among men over the age of 21 years, one out of every ten in different degrees, suffer from a sexual dysfunction.

On the one hand, not very comforting information. In the other, only five percent overage male impotence becomes irreversible stage. It follows a simple conclusion stop complaining about fate and looking for a way out — or, rather, the means to increase the potency.

For a start, it raises the question of how to increase the power in which direction? The best treatment is prevention, and it is good to remember all the men. For those who are already in front of erectile dysfunction or suffering now, the preventive measures will reduce the risk of relapse, and those who are attacking are not affected, will help to prevent it in the future.

The best means for the potency healthy men, healthy lifestyle, exercise, low alcohol and Smoking. Try to be more active and the monitoring of their condition. Less seat in the chair, the more traffic.

However, what if your man strength does not correspond with your wishes? How to increase the power? It reaches the bottom of the helps to increase the potency.

The effect of these drugs is aimed at the restoration of male sexual function to normal levels, or their "reincarnation" in the case of the manifestations of impotence.

For the treatment of power: historical look

Power — the question that has troubled men of all times and peoples. Speaking of this ancient manuscripts, archaeological finds and much more. In fact, since then, when people realized that the process of reproduction is a source of great satisfaction, it was a question about the constant "combat preparation". As he increased the power of our ancestors a special question. Among the ancient means of power was the most amazing drug of non-standard components. To increase the potency actively used and the various rites of magical or religious orientation, sacrifices and much more.

With many men potency, increase they wanted, played a cruel joke. This topic has always been very sensitive and shameful, so the men tried to hide their need in the media for the power. Unfortunately, this plays into the hands of an army of various charlatans and swindlers who sell fake money, increase the power. Even if the drug will be powerless to advertise that they will not be ashamed.

However, even a medium for the power of trusted manufacturers were by no means a panacea. As a general rule, they had a lot of side effects. Increased potency was accompanied by no less strong interruptions in the body.

One of the more popular modern brands means that increasing power is to fly. Not everyone knows that this means to increase the potency of the use a couple of centuries ago. The base of the drug was a substance to increase the potency and extracted from the beetle, which "fly" was called.

It's all good, but in addition, without a doubt, the positive effect of reinforcing the men's sexual ability, "fly" beat almost all the internal organs. Means for potency damaged the stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver and the Central nervous system that did not add comfort in the life. Too punchy (due to the frequency of use of the drug) solution to the question of how to increase the potency could easily lead to death. However, the flow of those who were not afraid to use risky means to increase potency, not exhausted.

Of course, not always to increase the power used, these methods are drastic. For example, the East means the power is usually not used advanced methods of recovery of erections, with an emphasis on health and prevention.

However, only in the twentieth century, it was possible to increase the potency without significant risk to the health of men and with guaranteed effect.

How to increase the power: the state of the art

increase of the power

The modern medicine man provides a wide range of tools for the power, however, the process of increasing potency is not confined to the mere preparations. An integral part of treatment is diagnosis, allow you to accurately determine the specific cause of problems with potency.

For the treatment of potency must comply not only with the General male" settings, but also to the individual characteristics of a particular organism.

Modern medicine generally divided into single action drugs generic. First serve only to increase potency for a short period of time a single sexual relationship. The second refers more widely, because it can be used as a single tool, and for those who want to normalize their potency, to improve it for the entire course of the drug.

It should be borne in mind that the effect of any remedy for the power, it is not a treatment. That is to say, the effect persists during the application. Some medications intended to use the course, give General health and restorative effect, but help may not in all situations.

Any means the power is not useful if the patient has obvious severe disease of the genitourinary system — in this case, it is necessary to consider the complete treatment, which is not limited to the administration of any medication.

Means to increase potency have their own classification. It takes into account parameters such as the speed of onset and duration of the effect, the nature of the excitation, the total period of effects on the body, etc.

In addition, the means that increase potency, differ in the type of application. In some cases, a time of increase of power is due to the injection of drugs directly into the penis (applied so that the products are already considered obsolete). The only remarkable advantage of this method is almost instantaneous onset of the erection.

A much more effective way that produces normal power (that should improve the more acceptable way) is the use of pills and capsules of medications, such as viagra, cialis, levitra.

Viagra is the most publicized by means of power, but for all its virtues, is not the best. Perhaps the most effective should recognize cialis is a remedy to increase potency is able to help the man during the day (while the effect of viagra lasts more than 4 hours).