Prostatitis in men — symptoms and treatment

Not prostatitis

Prostatitis in men can be diagnosed at any age. This disease arising from the infection and the start of the inflammatory process. The symptoms of prostatitis are different and diverse, but sometimes may be completely absent. It is worth considering that the symptoms of prostatitis may manifest themselves not immediately but only after the transition of the disease into a chronic form. That is why it is important to know when and what to treat prostatitis.


Inflammation of the prostate it is a disease that affects men, whose age exceeds 45 years. Often the disease of the gland of the prostate has become evident in children 18 years of age. The most common causes:

  • infections;
  • the stagnation of the blood in the lower part of the body due to a sedentary lifestyle;
  • genital injuries.
Not a man with prostatitis

All of this can lead to the onset of the disease, and in the absence of appropriate treatment to the transition to the chronic form. That is why it is important to make a diagnosis. Timely treatment in a medical center need to know the first signs of prostatitis. It is characterized by:

  • constant, often causeless weakness;
  • headache;
  • difficulty in urinating, that is accompanied by pain and burning that occurs at the beginning and at the end of the process;
  • frequent urination due to incomplete emptying of the bladder. Weak urine stream in small quantities;
  • total absence of urine flow due to the pressure in the urethra;
  • pain in the lower back, pelvis and groin areas. The main feature is that the pain extends from the crotch to the abdomen and lower back. While it may be localized in a certain place, and to spread throughout the pelvic region;
  • problems with their sexual life, including a complete lack of libido. In the early stages of the erection remains the same, but perhaps premature and spontaneous secretion of semen. Slowly, she becomes slow and weak orgasm. In some cases where ejaculation occur pain in the head;
  • disorders of the nervous system that are characterized by excessive irritability, the constant presence of stress, aggressiveness, apathy.

During the transition to acute and chronic, the symptoms can change. Appear:

  • persistent pain, which are as sharp and pulling in nature;
  • spotting when urinating;
  • all the symptoms of fever, including chills, increased up to 40 degrees of temperature, sweating.

It is worth considering that prostatitis chronic symptoms appear only in the period of exacerbation, in the rest of the time the disease is asymptomatic.

If the weather is not treat prostatitis, there may be complications in the form of:

  • acute retention urinary, which can only be removed during the surgery;
  • the constant development of cystitis;
  • diseases of the kidney (pyelonephritis);
  • abscess that can be treated only with surgery;
  • sepsis. In very advanced cases, leads to death;
  • infertility.

When the first signs of prostatitis should immediately contact the medical center and get the test. Only after that the doctor can prescribe the correct treatment, and prescribe medication.

For the treatment of prostatitis

As a Supplement to the basic treatment men can use folk remedies.

The most common:

  1. pumpkin seeds are a great addition to the basic treatment. On the day you should eat up to 35 seeds. For convenience, they can be crushed and mixed with honey, and then in the form of small balls and take a day, 30 minutes before a meal;
  2. fresh juices. On the day you should drink up to 500 ml. For these purposes, the best cucumber or juice of carrot, which contains many useful trace elements. Can be used separately or as a mixture;
  3. various liqueur based on honey. Helps to reduce the pain and also reduce inflammation. In prostatitis acute should take flowers of calendula, horsetail, elecampane root, nettle leaves, sage and mint. Mix it all together. Three tablespoons of the mixture pour boiling water, to insist in a warm place for 3 hours, then add the honey. A day to drink a third Cup before eating.

Also home of the most effective way to get rid of the painful symptoms of prostatitis, including chronic, is baths using herbs. Most often used chamomile, as it may alleviate the pain and also reduce inflammation that helps the quick release of the disease.

Additional treatment of folk remedies is possible only after consultation with a specialist, otherwise, it may lead to complications.

Attention. If you have any signs of the disease should go immediately to the hospital. In any case, it is impossible to do it at home self-treatment. Only full compliance with all recommendations of the doctor and regular medication will help you to forget about the problem of always.

The modern methods of treatment of the prostate for prostatitis

In the diagnosis of inflammation of the gland of the prostate it is important to determine the causes, as they may indicate more effective treatment of the disease. To treat prostatitis you need a comprehensive. The treatment should include:

  • the acceptance of drugs and special vitamins, which is aimed at reducing pain, eliminating the inflammation and bacteria that can cause your immune system;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • traditional medicines, including various decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Only with the full treatment that a man can get rid of the prostatitis and prevent transition to a chronic form and the appearance of the prostate that often accompany this disease.

The most common and effective modern physiotherapy:

  1. the laser treatment. The whole process takes no more than an hour. The rays, which emanate from the laser, they act directly on the prostate tissue, and of cells nearby. This procedure removes stasis of blood, which is one of the causes of the disease;
  2. treatment for empty method. During the vacuum treatment to the sexual organ is installed a special device that leads to a state of solid erection due to the blood flow. This method allows to improve the quality of the erection, and also eliminates stagnant processes in order to improve the blood circulation in the urogenital organs. The best is to combine the vacuum treatment with other methods of physical therapy;
  3. the treatment with ozone. The treatment is administered by a special saline solution pre-charged with ozone. The liquid is introduced into the urethra, and inflammation of the body through the anus. The solution has a beneficial effect on prostate tissue, helping them to recover, and destroys the bacteria harmful. The number of treatments depends on the severity of the disease. Average to cure prostatitis need to visit the office of professional 6-10 times;
  4. radio-frequency thermal therapy. This method involves the use of high temperatures. The positive effect of the heat on the internal organs, it has been shown that, for many years. Now the apparatus and method of the procedure of improvement. The procedure takes approximately 15 minutes. During with the help of a special apparatus is the thermal effect in the prostate tissue, damaging cells are destroyed, and destroyed all the harmful microflora. With time, the regeneration of tissues of the prostate;
  5. massage of the prostate. Massage is a mandatory procedure through which all men with prostatitis. Helps to get rid of stagnant processes. However, this method is not supported by all doctors. This is due to the fact that in the course of a massage can be the development of an infection, which will increase the inflammation, the damaged or diseased tissue;
  6. the electric stimulation. In this procedure the gland of the prostate is affected by the low frequency current. Because of this is reduced, to eliminate the stagnation produced in the course of a sedentary lifestyle. With time, the process of the circulation of the blood is improved, which helps to get rid of the disease.

Attention. All treatments must be administered only by a physician after passing all the tests, and personal interview.

Treatment of prostatitis is a long process that requires careful attention on the part of the doctor and the patient. Only strict compliance with all rules will help you to get rid of the disease. In order to avoid their repetition need to adhere to the principles of active lifestyle and healthy eating.